Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own
Kindle Paperwhite
I already have a Kindle Touch and a Kindle Fire, but I'm hoping that I can get the next gen Paperwhite in the next few months.
We moved about six months ago and one of the first things I did when looking for our new apartment was to find a place to put all my books. I'm really happy with these shelves and had a great time arranging them!
A comfy reading chair
To go with the shelves, I would love to have a really nice comfortable leather chair to read in.
Kindle Covers
There are some great covers out there, but these ones are absolutely fantastic. I would leave a real bookish cover to proclaim to all that I'm a voracious reader!!!
Reading Lamp (Already Have)
In the same office as the shelves, this is great for avoiding eye strain, especially with the adjustable smaller lamp in the middle. These really do not hurt the eyes.
Go Away Reading Mug
Stolen from What Comes Next Review, this would be perfect to use in the break room at work to tell people to Leave Me Alone!!! :)
Marauder's Map Replica (Already Have)
Cheating a little bit on this one since it is just as much based on the movie as the book but hey the book came first! I actually brought myself one of these at Universal Studios a few years ago, along with a Voldemort wand.
Book Map
Stolen from Hidden in Pages, this is a great idea - a map made of book titles.
Huge fan of the book, huge fan of the movies, I so want to have one of these!!
Bookish Computer Case
As much of a computer geek as I am a bookish one, I saw this over at Great Imaginations and decided I must have one! How cool is this??!
So what is on your Wish List?
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