Well, welcome to the first New on the Library Shelves of 2015!! How is everyone? Did you all have a nice holiday season? I'm back at work and the holidays seem very far away already. Still, 2015 promises to be a great year for reading, so yay!Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.
Here are my books read, received and bought this week:
L'Exil des Anges by Gilles Legardinier
Edgar Allan Poe by Paul Collins
The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe by Romain Puertolas
Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
The Vines by Christopher Rice
1913: The Year Before the Storm by Florian Illies
The Line by J D Horn
Firefight by Brandon SandersonGolden Son by Pierce Brown
Signal to Noise by Silva Moreno-Garcia (netgalley)
Something Coming Through by Paul McAuley (netgalley)
Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Judd Trichter (netgalley)
Scent of Triumph by Jan Moran (netgalley)
What books have you read, received or purchased this week?