This week's theme: Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet. Not sure if this is in the spirit of the theme, but I've gone with books that haven't been released yet that I'm looking forward to. Most of them, I wish were out already!!!
Ten Books I Really Want But Don't Own Yet
The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter
One of the few débuts on the list, this one looks like a Harry-Potter-esque novel, though not sure if it is a hidden history or an alternate universe. Still, looks good!
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
I've never read any of David Mitchell's novels, but I read his translation of Japanese book The Reason I Jump. Talk of a "fued played out in the shadows and margins of our world" definitely caught my attention!
Edge of Eternity by Ken Follett
Although I never read Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, I have devoured every one of his Century trilogy released so far. So cannot wait for Edge of Eternity, which will take the families introduced in Fall of Giants through the 1960s and 1980s.
Unholy War by David Hair
One of the best fantasy series' out at the moment, Unholy War sees the war between east and west heat up as the search for the Scytale becomes Deadly.
Clariel by Garth Nix
OMG! OMG! OMG! Ok, fanboy squealing over. But Garth Nix has a new novel released in his Abhorsen series! Can. Not. Wait!
The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin
Not sure exactly when this is going to be released, but it needs to be quick! Unfortunately, at the moment, it looks like it's not going to be until October next year. If you haven't picked up the first books of the trilogy, do so. Now!
Revival by Stephen King
As much as I enjoyed Mr Mercedes, I'm glad to see that Mr King is also releasing a more classic horror novel at the end of the year. A truly epic battle between good and evil spanning five décades, this could be a true Stephen King classic!
The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley
A wonderful fantasy debut at the beginning of the year, Staveley's The Emperor's Blades had it all. The Providence of Fire is Staveley's follow-up. Not much news yet but OMG, that cover!
Gemini Cell by Myke Cole
Anyone disappointed to see Myke Cole's Shadow Ops series come to an end earlier this year will be delighted with the release of this new novel, a prequel to the main series with new heroes and a new enemy.
The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan
Promise of Blood and The Crimson Campaign were a fantastic one-two punch that set up some amazing situations for The Powder Mage series. With the capital in enemy hands, all three main characters find themselves in deadly danger with the fate of the world at stake...
So, what books are you waiting to read?
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