This week's theme: Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) I couldn't come up with ten. So this list will be made up of eight books I'm not sure I want to read, followed by two I wasn't sure of but am glad I did!
Eight Books I'm Not Sure I Want to Read
Bad Luck Girl by Sarah Zettel – Although I enjoyed the first book a lot, the second one was a bit of a let down that I had to force myself to finish. While I’m still looking forward to seeing how the trilogy wraps itself up… Not a hundred percent sure.
Thief’s Magic by Trudi Canavan – I thoroughly enjoyed her first series and have heard good things about the follow up (notably from my Dad). But I have heard mixed messages about this one.
Augustus by Adrian Goldsworthy – The subject matter is a definite must-read, but the last two books I read by Goldsworthy were quite dry, so worried this one may be a bit of a slog. May end up being the kind of book I dip in and out of over a few weeks instead of reading it all through in one.
The Causal Angel by Hannu Rajaniemi – I thoroughly enjoyed the first two books, but they are nowhere near being “easy” reads. The reviews I have read say that this one is even less easy on the reader than the first two, so…
The Kills by Richard House – Mainly worried about this one because of the sheer size of the thing. I mean I read big books but this one… Still, I have heard good things about it so far!
Italian Venice by R J B Bosworth – I love Venice and was quite excited about this one, but the subject matter – dealing more with modern Venice than the city of the Doges, may not be what I’m hoping.
Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie – Leckie’s first book was so hugely hyped all across the blogging world, but I was not as huge a fan as all that. I enjoyed it, but not as much as others have. So although I have added the second one to my TBR, not in a huge hurry to get to it.
The Mechanical by Ian Tregillis – This one is on the list mainly because of Tregillis’ last book, Something More Than Night, which I was not hugely in love with. So this is a toss up: it will either be as good as his Milkweed series, or more like Something More… in which case it might not be great.
Eight Books I Wasn't Sure I Wanted to Read (But Am Glad I Did!)
Unwrapped Sky by Rjurik Davidson – I had read some extremely mixed reviews about this one before I read it, but am glad I didn’t pay attention to them. I loved this book and it is probably the debut of the year so far for me.
The Happier Dead by Ivo Stourton – I wasn’t convinced by the cover or blurb of this one, but the book itself was a fantastic near future SF thriller.
So, what books are you not sure about in your TBR list?
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I've been meaning to read something Trudi Canavan for a long time! The Magician Trilogy is pretty highly rated among my friends, so I don't know why I'm still putting it off.
RépondreSupprimerI enjoyed the Magician Trilogy a lot, very much a classic fantasy with some interesting characters and a nice magic system. I would definitely give it a try! Thanks for the comment, Heather!