This week's theme: Top Ten Goals/Resolutions for 2015. According to the girls over at the Broke and Bookish these could be either book related or blog related - I've gone mainly with blog related goals since this will be only my second year of doing this seriously. Look forward to reading every body else's!
Goals I control
1. Only request Netgalley or Edelweiss books I know I'm going to read
I have an absolutely horrendous ratio (especially on Netgalley) so this year I'm only going to request books I know I am going to read, ie books I have already got on my absolutely to be read list (ATBR :) )
2. Write a review for every book I read
My ratio of books read to reviews written this year is pretty bad, so even if I only write a small one paragraph review I want to be able to look back and read some thoughts on every single book I read.
3. Post more reviews to Goodreads and Amazon
I haven't posted nearly enough of my reviews to both sites this year so I want to improve on that next year!
4. Read all of the Goodreads Choice Awards nominees I have on my list
I have about 100 so I would like to get through all of these along with some older books and obviously the new releases
5. Do a Shannara Reread
I would love to do something along the lines of the Tor.com rereads (Wheel of Time and Malazan to name but a few) and have a weekly post discussing the chapters I have read. Whether I'll manage that or just do a book by book reread I'm not sure but either way I want to read the books!
6. Add fewer books to my TBR list
Every month I ended up with fifty or so releases on my TBR list, impossible to keep up with. I'd prefer to stay around 15 per month but will try and stick to no more than one book per day of the month at the least!
7. Comment more frequently on my favourite blogs
I have done better at this this year but I need to improve still!
8. Post more regularly on my own blog
If possible once a day but I want to at least make sure I don't leave more than two or three days go by without posting something
Goals outside of my control
9. Get a higher read count and more comments
I've been so happy and amazed at the regular visitors here throughout the year but I would obviously like that to continue and to get a few more regular comments
10. Get a few more followers
Same as above, I have gained one this year, which is fantastic, but I would love to get a few more in 2015!
Look forward to reading your goals and resolutions in the comments (see goal 9! :) ) Thanks to all the visitors here for making this a great year and here's to a greater 2015!
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